Estelle & Thildin kehittäjä Pernilla Rönnberg Malesian Marie Claire -lehden haastattelussa
25.07.2015, Hannamari Rahkonen
Jolien Toimituksessa on vietetty ihastuttavan Estelle & Thild -teemaviikkoa, jonka aikana olemme tutustuneet sarjan syntytarinaan, uudistuneisiin kasvovoidelinjoihin ja vartalonhoitotuotteisiin. Ruotsalaisen voittajakosmetiikkasarjan kehittäjä Pernilla Rönnberg on reippaalla naisenergialla, intohimolla ja suurilla visioilla varustettu nainen ja siksi Jolie onkin erityisen iloinen voidessaan jakaa Malesian Marie Claire -lehteen kirjoittaman haastattelun hänestä. Haastattelussa Pernilla kertoo muun muassa sen ketkä kolme julkisuuden henkilöä käyttävät Estelle & Thildin tuotteita ja mistä kaikki on saanut alkunsa.
Tarjoamme vielä huomiseen 26.7. saakka Jolie shopissa ja Jolie webshopissa koko Estelle & Thildin valikoimasta -10% alennuksen. Sinulla on mahdollisuus testata Pernillan lupausta ja ihastua parhaaseen ruotsalaiseen luonnonkosmetiikkaosaamiseen ystävälliseen hintaan. Webshopissa alennus toimii koodilla estelle10.

1. First off, I’m a huge fan. What I’ve always wanted to know is, aside from being organic, what are the other philosophies / concepts that define the products?
Estelle & Thild is the next generation of beauty combining clean certified organic formulas with high impact results. It is about living a healthy lifestyle where beauty is just one part of that equation. We like to focus on the bigger picture and there has been a huge global shift towards health and wellness over the past few years. It is about taking ownership of your decisions without having to sacrifice something- having it all. You no longer need to compromise between healthy formulas and results. Our products have beautiful scents, pleasing textures and most importantly produce competitive results- all without any harmful chemicals or nasty ingredients. Being organic and having a healthy lifestyle go hand in hand but as we see today it isn’t all or nothing. With stores like Whole Foods and brands like ours being readily available to consumers they can curate the kind of lifestyle they want. The biggest shift I am expereinceing is accessibility and that makes all the difference.
2. What is the story behind the founding of the brand, how did it all start?
I wanted to develop an innovative skin care brand rooted in high impact results and organic ingredients. I saw a niche in the market at the time and decided to take the chance. I had previously worked as the CEO of a skin care company so I was knowledgeable about the industry. I had become uncomfortably aware of the harmful chemicals and unnatural ingredients liberally used by many skin care brands. Having two young daughters also played a role in deciding to start Estelle & Thild, after all the company is named after them. I sought to create a new kind of beauty brand that was safe and effective focusing on a healthy lifestyle and longevity. I was tired of quick fix beauty and seeing harmful ingredients on the shelves. I wanted to make a difference and transform our expectations.
3. How are the ingredients for skincare sourced?
We work closely with our suppliers testing everything in house before committing to a formula. We only work with suppliers who do not test on animals and all final formulas must be approved by ecoCert. The process is rather intensive but the end result always pays off And of course we try to use as many Scandinavian ingredients as we can.
4. Name 3 of your biggest celeb fans, and what product they use
Recently Anna dello Russo, of Vogue Japan, mentioned our BioDefense Antioxidant Eye Cream on her blog as a spring favorite. Tracy Anderson who trains Gwyneth Paltrow and other Hollywood celebs said that she includes our BioHydrate All-In-One Tinted Moisturizer as part of her four minute beauty routine.
I’ve been told that Penelope Cruz has been spotted buying our Skin Care ranges around town in London.
5. For those who are new to the brand, like our Malaysian readers who are seeing the brand for the first time in the country, what product would you recommend for them to try?
When it comes to skin care ranges it really depends on your skin concerns. We have created a skin care by concern concept that targets specific concerns: BioCalm is for sensitive skin, BioHydrate targets dry skin, BioDefense adresses age prevention and Super BioActive is designed to help repair the visible signs of aging. I love our Super BioActive Age Control Serum. It won an ELLE Beauty Award in the best serum category competing against traditional skin care brands. It provides instant results, you can truly see a difference in the skin. And of course I religiously use our Tinted Moisturizer.
6. I’ve heard amazing things about your hydrating Tinted Moisturizer. What is the texture and finish like, and how would you recommend wearing it?
This has quickly become one of our star products. I use it everyday. It offers a translucent veil of coverage combining the perfect balance of glow. The formula is extremely light so it doesn’t wear like a makeup, allowing the skin to breathe. In the summer you can wear it alone or mix it with a light serum. If you are looking for even more hydration or your skin is dry layer it over a moisturizer.
7. Which products are best for people with sensitive skin, and why?
The BioCalm series is specifically designed to address sensitive skin. It is formulated with a soothing blend of allergy tested ingredients known for their calming effects. The entire formula is fragrance free. The range features oat, apricot oil and aloe vera.
8. Your serum and repairing oils are gaining cult status amongst beauty editors worldwide. What makes them so amazing?
Our oils and serums form magic duo complexes that adjust to the modern shifting lifestyle. They are designed to be used alone or together as part of a ‘Magic Duo’. People’s lives are in constant flux, evolving at a rapid pace. By mixing a few drops of the oil and serum together in hand before applying, you are creating a super charged skin care cocktail that penetrates the lipid bi layer and hydrophilic regions of skin cells. This allows for the nourishing elements to work side by side absorbing deeply and operating more efficiently. Many beauty editors have caught on and have become big fans of the concept. It is about the sum being greater than its parts- offering magic results and high impact effects. The BioDefense, Super BioActive and BioCalm series all feature a magic duo designed to address the specific skin concerns of each range.
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